All sorts of things that need to be done
Two winners?
Enable Game Options editing
Neuberg Formula
Optimize game network traffic
Single Sign On
Optimize game database
Director call function (web push) (To Laptop is easier!)
UK Scoring:
Divisor = NA ? 2 : 1
(MPs + (HighBoardPlayCount - ThisBoardPlayCount)/Divisor)
* (HighBoardPlayCount / ThisBoardPlayCount)
- 1/Divisor
(4 +1) * (7/6) -1 // Use value of .5 rather than 1 in North America half point scoring
Team Events
Team Pairs
Swiss Pairs
Need mechanism to define teams
# add score - limit result by contract 3S max Res is +4
Round board - show movement for other team
#Use drop down for 'by'
#Use drop down for 'result'
#Use drop down for 'Lead'
Add Photo button to take pic of hand if board not already played.
#Two modes, one mode for the individual(pair) and another to leave device at table.
# Menu - close on click out -- DONE
# Menu - remove wide border when clicked
Create sitRep card
Create all tables card
SitRep - add time of last change of - perhaps use epoch?
Game Def
Boards scored
WebSocket -- 5 min timeout?
# player added --
# game updated --
# board scored -- update boardForm and results
Director call function (web push)
# service_worker.js
# Manifest - PWA
# Game Form
Edit game -- DONE
Create game, no firstname or lastname for director after logging in
# Table Form
delete / move user/player
Move Pair movements calc to client
#remove edit button for empty table
submit only completed fields...
Rename 'Edit' to 'Delete?
YUI Compressor ? Obfuscate?
# Fix individual play
# Better way to choose game movement?
# Menu title not updating --- fixed
# Table Mode device - stays at table
# Game state finished?
played - all scores in
finalized - all disputes and edits done
complete - game closed - readonly
# Game Date - localized not UTC
SitRep by date -
share last update for table in the report
//include current roundNum
include last boardNum added data (including status for indicating approval necessary to other players)
Results page - edit score there if owner of game and disputed.
Approval dialog - add Disputed button.
BoardResult.js - add 'disputed' option
# Need mechanism to lock UI to table 'n'
# Clean up Game Select dialog.
# Clean up game display Dialog.
Offline score storage cache for internet failure